Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Day 3: Shira One to Shira Hut Camp (3840m)

Everyone slept much better last night, although as predicted, I accidentally tried to get into Phil's tent on my way back from the loo in the middle of the night. Luckily I heard him cough as I was undoing the zip, and realised my mistake.

The morning's walk was fairly easy, followed by a short climb and a mini-scramble up to Shira Cathedral where we had some pretty good views.

You can see me with the guide Nicholas at the top, just as the weather started closing in. We then traversed the ridge and down to what looked like the crater of the moon, passing the emergency helipad.

We also noticed a stretcher ready for fetching any casualties, which was a little disconcerting. The final stretch up to Shira Two Camp was tough on everyone, but I started for the first time to feel desperately sick, faint, exhausted and uncoordinated. Luckily it wasn't far to go. As I arrived in the camp, my tent porter grabbed my bag and poles and helped me into the tent where I fell onto my mat with my boots still on, poking out of the doorway. He left me to it and I managed to stagger back out to lunch a little later. After another hour's rest, we had an optional acclimatisation walk. Although I still felt pretty bad, I decided to make the effort to go, as after all, the point of an acclimatisation walk is to acclimatise, and I clearly needed to! Thankfully I gradually felt better and was rewarded yet again with some stunning views.

I was so relieved that the altitude effects were only short-lived, as I had got quite worried just before lunch, and wondered if I'd ever make it to the top!

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